Email Templates

SliQ Invoicing supports configurable email templates to be used when emailing items.

Separate templates can be configured for emailing invoices, quotes, purchase orders, credit notes and statements.

To edit the email templates, do the following:-

1. Choose the Setup/ Email tab

2. Press the Manage Email Templates button

The Standard Email templates dialog will show as below.

Email templates

You can freely make any edits to the text cc:, Subject or Body fields. You can also select fields from the list on the right and insert them into the email by clicking on the << Insert Field button. When the email is sent, any fields in the email will be replaced by values from SliQ's data, e.g. the <INVOICENUMBER} field will be replaced by the number for the invoice being emailed.

If you add email addresses to the cc: field, separate the addresses with a semi-colon, e.g.:;

Note that both text and HTML emails can be defined. With HTML emails you can format text, e.g. use bold headings, as well as add bitmaps or logos, e.g. to create an email signature.

See also

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