SliQ Invoicing includes a spellchecker that checks spelling as you type line items, notes or messages for documents such as invoices and quotes.


The spellchecker can:-


Offer suggested corrections for words it thinks are misspelled.

Allow you to indicate that a highlighted word that has been flagged as misspelled is correct and that SliQ should add the word to its dictionary of correct spellings.

Work with different languages, e.g. German or Spanish, instead of English. See General Options for more information on switching spellchecker languages.



Correcting a misspelled word


If a word is misspelled it will be highlighted with a red underline as shown below.




To see possible corrections for a spelling mistake, right-click the mouse over the highlighted word to bring up a menu containing suggestions for correcting the mistake:




In the above example, SliQ is suggesting that the misspelled word "spplelling" is replace by "spelling".


If you want to accept one of the suggestions SliQ is showing in the menu, click on the suggestion and SliQ will replace the highlighted word with the suggested correction.



Adding a word to SliQ's dictionary


If SliQ thinks a word is misspelled it will be highlighted with a red underline as shown below.




However, sometimes the word is not misspelled. This will often be the case with product names that SliQ knows nothing about.


If SliQ incorrectly highlights a work you can teach SliQ that the word is correct by choosing to add the word to SliQ's dictionary.


To add the word to SliQ's dictionary, right-click the mouse over the highlighted word to bring up a menu:




Click the Add to Dictionary menu option and SliQ will no longer highlight the word as misspelled.


See Also