To enter the name of a new product, type its name into the Item field. Then press the TAB key to move into the Description field.


In the example below, the name of a new product "Gate Posts" has been entered into the Item field.





When the TAB key is pressed, SliQ will recognise that a new product name has been entered and will ask if you want to define the product.




Press the Yes button.


SliQ will then ask for the product details to be entered.




Enter the required details, e.g.




Press OK to save the details. The details will then be displayed for the invoice item.




Edit the item details as required, e.g. change the Quantity field.




None of the changes you make, e.g. to the Description will be saved into the product record. The changes will only be saved for the quote.


To make changes to the product details, see Product Records.


See Also